Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

The curious case of Benjamin Button chronicles the life of a
man, born as a baby with the appearance and physical limitations of a man who is 86 years old until his death. He ages backward while the people around him live normally.

A very ambitious and technically brilliant movie. The computer wizardry blend flawlessly with the good storytelling of director David Fincher. This is his third collaboration with Brad Pitt after Seven and Fight Club. Ive been a longtime fan of Fincher since the early 90's with his works on Madonna's greatest videos (Express Yourself, Vogue & Bad Girl). He's is known in his dark, rainy, haunting & noirish films. I really love the ambience of the early works of this terrific director. Kudos to him for not making Benjamin button as a heavy melodramatic or over sentimental film.

The main star Brad Pitt is very perfect for the role of Benjamin. As time goes by Brad matured
in his acting and the choices with his roles. Only him who has the star quality that can pull off
the scenes in this film. Most especially when Benjamin during his younger years. We see him here as the Brad we know in "River runs..." and Thelma & Louise era. His charm and looks are very captivating here. He lights up the screen everytime he shows up in the scenes. Cate Blanchett is so beautiful and very good in her role. Ditto with Taraji P, Johnson as Benjamins caring mother. An Oscar buzz for best supporting at the upcoming oscar awards are surrounding this great actress.

But the movie is far from perfect of course ,I easily admire the movie but it make me feel distant and cold after watching it. I dont know... maybe there's a missing emotional punch that I am yearning in this kind of film.

Another thing that can't be ignore is the strong similarities between this film and Forrest Gump (1994 best picture) . Some parts in Benjamin evoke scenes from that oscar winning film. I see this as a minus for the academy voters in giving the coveted golden statue this coming february.

rating: ***

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