Tuesday, February 10, 2009

hot and cold

For the past few days I had bouts of coughs and colds. The unpredictable weather was the major culprit of my dilemma. I was completely bedridden yesterday even though Im itching to go out of my house. But I really had no energy to do anything! Sessions with my bf were also included! Ugh!
Even reading magazines nor watching tv were all big efforts for me. So I just lay on my soft comfortable bed throughout the day. Beside me was my ever dependable lovey dovey Iphone. The only one who can comfort me in times like these. Awww... My eyes were really very itchy and teary... So I decided to just have a complete rest by eating lots of fruits, drinking tons of water and vitamins. And something weird occured in the middle of this sickness, I had a sudden outrageous craving for brownies! The idea of eating lots of brownies lingered on my mind the whole day. Thinking the sweets might be an energy booster for me, I immediately asked one of my staff to buy me a box of home made choco brownies with nuts at Cash & Carry and few pieces of Ella's cheese brownies. Alas! It just momentarily spiked up my spiraling downward spirits. But in the end, my wellness will not be complete without the help of our good ol over the counter medicines. Im feeling much better now, thanks in part by the major role of the ever reliable cheap Nasatapp tablets and Solmux capsules .

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