Thursday, March 5, 2009


Maternal Girl: Yearning for a baby

Guido is a Japanese spitz and the pup of the late "love of my life doggy" Jackson. After so many years I'm just starting to build a good relationship with him. For several months now I was telling my partner, Jason that I really want to buy a new dog so that we could both have a "baby" since we're already on a six year relationship. Then I realize why would I purchase a new one, I already have a lonely dog in my home that I haven't given any attention for a very long time. So we decided to annoint Guido as our own baby! The big amount of money that I will cash out for a new dog will be use instead for Guido's needs. So, this week we started to bathe him , play with him, bought some stuff and food at Cash and Carry. I really enjoyed doing these stuff coz I haven't done it since Jackson's disappearance six years ago. And may add that this dog is really a great stress reliever for me since I had bouts of depression these past few weeks. Watching him running around the garage and touching him brings a smile on my lonely heart. Anyway, we're planning to bring Guido to a grooming center at Cartimar this weekend. Im hoping that we will have a great years ahead of us.

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